Birat Overseas International Pvt. Ltd.

Empowering Careers Responsibly

Ethical recruitment lies at the core of Birat Overseas International Pvt. Ltd.'s values and principles. We firmly believe that responsible recruitment practices are the cornerstone of building successful, sustainable, and fulfilling careers. Our commitment to ethical recruitment encompasses various essential aspects that govern our operations and interactions with candidates and employers alike. At Birat Overseas International Pvt. Ltd., ethical recruitment is not just a principle; it's a promise. We recognize the profound impact that ethical practices have on the lives of individuals and the prosperity of businesses. Our unwavering dedication to ethical recruitment underscores our commitment to fostering a better world through responsible human resource solutions.

Birat Overseas International

Key Principal for Ethical Recruitment

Respect For Human Dignity

At Birat Overseas International, we treat every individual with utmost respect and dignity, recognizing their intrinsic value as human beings. We firmly oppose any form of discrimination, exploitation, or abuse in the recruitment process.

Fair And Transparent Processes

Our recruitment processes are designed to be fair, transparent, and inclusive. We ensure that all candidates have equal access to opportunities, and the selection is based on merit and suitability for the role.

Compliance With Laws And Regulations

We strictly adhere to all applicable laws and regulations governing recruitment, both in Nepal and the countries we operate in. This includes complying with labor laws, immigration regulations, and ethical standards.

Informed Consent And Clear Communication

We believe in empowering candidates with complete and accurate information about the job opportunities, working conditions, and contractual terms. Informed consent is a fundamental principle that guides our interactions with candidates.

Protecting Against Exploitation

Birat Overseas International is committed to protecting candidates from any form of exploitation, including unfair wage practices, debt bondage, and hazardous working conditions.

Empowering Candidate Support

Our support to candidates extends beyond recruitment; we assist them in understanding their rights and responsibilities, prepare them for the journey ahead, and provide resources for their overall well-being.